Have you ever wondered about the different types of BB gun ammunition? Whether you’re an avid BB gun enthusiast or just starting out, understanding the various types of ammunition is crucial for an optimized shooting experience. From traditional steel BBs to biodegradable options and even specialized pellets, this article will uncover the vast world of BB gun ammunition, offering insights and tips for selecting the right type for your needs. Get ready to explore the fascinating range of options available, as we delve into the diverse world of BB gun ammunition.

Metal BBs

Metal BBs are a popular choice for BB gun enthusiasts due to their durability and accuracy. They are made from various metals such as steel, copper, or zinc, each offering unique properties for different shooting needs.

Steel BBs

Steel BBs are the most common type of metal BBs and are widely used in both airsoft and BB gun shooting. They are known for their high velocity and accuracy, making them suitable for target practice and competitive shooting. Steel BBs are typically coated with a layer of zinc or copper plating to enhance their resistance to rust and corrosion.

Copper-plated BBs

Copper-plated BBs are steel BBs that are coated with a thin layer of copper. This plating provides an extra layer of protection against rust and corrosion, ensuring the longevity of the BBs. Copper-plated BBs also offer smoother feeding and increased accuracy compared to regular steel BBs, making them a popular choice for serious shooters.

Zinc-plated BBs

Zinc-plated BBs are another variant of steel BBs that are coated with a layer of zinc. This plating not only offers excellent corrosion resistance but also provides a smoother surface, resulting in improved accuracy and reduced friction in the barrel. Zinc-plated BBs are highly recommended for shooters who value precision and consistency in their shooting experience.

Lead BBs

While less common than metal BBs, lead BBs are favored by some shooters for their superior weight and impact. Lead BBs are heavier and denser than their metal counterparts, making them ideal for hunting small game or for shooting targets that require a higher level of energy transfer. However, it’s important to note that lead BBs may not be allowed in all shooting ranges due to their potential environmental impact.

Plastic BBs

Plastic BBs offer a different experience compared to metal BBs. They are lightweight and less prone to damage, making them a popular choice for indoor and close-quarters shooting.

ABS Plastic BBs

ABS plastic BBs are one of the most commonly used types of plastic BBs. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and have a smooth surface, enabling them to travel with great accuracy. ABS plastic BBs are commonly used in airsoft games or for backyard target shooting due to their affordability and ease of use.

Nylon Plastic BBs

Nylon plastic BBs are another type of plastic BBs that offer enhanced durability and longevity. They are engineered to withstand high impact and resist deformation, making them suitable for use in high-power airsoft guns. Nylon plastic BBs are typically more expensive than ABS plastic BBs but provide superior performance, making them a popular choice for serious airsoft players.

Biodegradable BBs

Biodegradable BBs are designed to have minimal impact on the environment, making them an eco-friendly choice for shooters. These BBs are typically made from materials that can break down naturally over time.


PLA (Polylactic Acid) BBs are biodegradable BBs commonly made from renewable plant-based materials. They are environmentally friendly and will naturally degrade over time without leaving harmful residues behind. PLA BBs are suitable for both outdoor and indoor shooting and are often used in airsoft games or target practice sessions.

Bio-composite BBs

Bio-composite BBs are another type of biodegradable BBs that are made from a blend of biodegradable materials such as cornstarch and calcium carbonate. These BBs offer similar performance to traditional plastic BBs but have the added benefit of being biodegradable. Bio-composite BBs are a great option for shooters who prioritize sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Tracer BBs

Tracer BBs are a unique type of BBs that emit a bright glow when fired, adding a visual element to shooting activities, especially in low-light conditions.

Glow-in-the-dark Tracer BBs

Glow-in-the-dark Tracer BBs are specially designed BBs that contain a phosphorescent material. When these BBs are exposed to light, they absorb it and later emit a vibrant glow when fired. Glow-in-the-dark Tracer BBs are commonly used in night games and for those who want to add an extra element of excitement to their shooting experience.

Paintball BBs

Paintball BBs are designed specifically for paintball games, where players engage in team-based scenarios and shoot each other with paint-filled capsules.

Paintball BBs

Paintball BBs are larger in size compared to traditional BBs and are filled with non-toxic, water-soluble paint. Upon impact, the paint-filled capsule bursts, leaving a visible mark on the target or opponent. Paintball BBs are commonly used for recreational and competitive paintball games and provide a fun and interactive shooting experience.

Rubber BBs

Rubber BBs are a unique type of ammunition that offers a safe and gentle alternative for close-range shooting or indoor target practice.

Rubber BBs

Rubber BBs are typically made from durable rubber materials and are designed to be used in low-power guns or shooting scenarios where safety is a top priority. These BBs are non-lethal and have minimal impact, making them suitable for indoor shooting ranges, training exercises, or for younger shooters who are just beginning to learn and develop their shooting skills.

Glass BBs

Glass BBs provide a visually appealing alternative to traditional BBs and can be used for decorative purposes or in certain shooting scenarios.

Glass BBs

Glass BBs are made from glass materials and are often used in ornamental items or for aesthetic purposes in shooting displays. Due to their fragile nature, glass BBs are not recommended for use in high-velocity guns or for shooting activities that require high impact.

Airsoft BBs

Airsoft BBs are specifically designed for use in airsoft guns, which are replica firearms that shoot plastic projectiles.

Standard Airsoft BBs

Standard airsoft BBs are the most commonly used type of BBs in airsoft shooting. They are usually made from high-quality plastic materials and have consistent weights and dimensions, ensuring consistent shooting performance. Standard airsoft BBs are suitable for most airsoft guns and are widely available in various weights to accommodate different shooting preferences.

Precision Airsoft BBs

Precision airsoft BBs are a premium variant of airsoft BBs that offer enhanced accuracy and consistency. These BBs are manufactured to strict tolerances, resulting in uniform weight distribution and reduced imperfections. Precision airsoft BBs are ideal for competitive airsoft shooting or for shooters who demand optimal performance and precision from their airsoft guns.

Biodegradable Airsoft BBs

Biodegradable airsoft BBs offer the same performance as standard airsoft BBs but with the added benefit of being environmentally friendly. These BBs are typically made from biodegradable materials such as PLA, ensuring that they break down naturally over time without harming the environment. Biodegradable airsoft BBs are becoming increasingly popular among airsoft players who prioritize sustainability and proper waste management.


Pellets are a type of ammunition commonly used in pellet guns or air rifles. They come in a variety of shapes and designs, each offering different flight characteristics and shooting experiences.

Wadcutter Pellets

Wadcutter pellets are flat-headed pellets that are primarily used for target shooting. The flat nose design allows for clean, precise holes in targets, making it easier to score and assess accuracy. Wadcutter pellets offer excellent stability and are a preferred choice for shooters who focus on precision and consistency in their shooting practice.

Domed Pellets

Domed pellets have a rounded top and a slightly pointed bottom, resembling the shape of a mushroom. This design offers superior aerodynamics, allowing for better stability and accuracy during flight. Domed pellets are versatile and can be used for various shooting purposes, including small game hunting, target practice, and general plinking.

Pointed Pellets

Pointed pellets feature a sharp, pointed tip that provides increased penetration and impact energy compared to other pellet designs. These pellets are commonly used for hunting purposes, as the pointed tip allows for deeper penetration into the target, making them more effective for small game hunting or pest control.

Hollow Point Pellets

Hollow point pellets have a cavity or hollowed-out tip, which allows for controlled expansion upon impact. When these pellets strike the target, the hollow point design causes the pellet to mushroom, resulting in increased energy transfer and a wider wound channel. Hollow point pellets are favored by hunters as they offer excellent stopping power and quick, humane kills on small game.

Round Nose Pellets

Round nose pellets are the most basic and common type of pellets. They have a rounded shape from tip to tail, providing a balanced and stable flight trajectory. Round nose pellets are suitable for general shooting applications, including plinking and target practice, and are compatible with a wide range of pellet guns.

Dart BBs

Dart BBs are a unique type of ammunition designed for dart guns. These BBs are compact and streamlined, allowing them to pierce through the air with excellent accuracy and velocity.

Dart BBs

Dart BBs are typically made from lightweight materials such as plastic or foam and are designed to be shot from dart guns. These BBs possess aerodynamic properties, allowing them to travel further and with precision. Dart BBs are commonly used for recreational dart gun games, providing a safe and enjoyable shooting experience.

In conclusion, BB gun ammunition comes in a wide variety of types, each designed to cater to different shooting preferences and purposes. Whether you’re a target shooter, an airsoft enthusiast, a hunter, or simply enjoy recreational shooting, there is a type of BB ammunition that will suit your needs. It’s crucial to choose the appropriate ammunition for your specific shooting requirements to ensure optimal performance and safety. Always follow local laws and regulations regarding the use of BB guns and ammunition, and remember to prioritize safety and responsible shooting practices at all times. Happy shooting!

By Archi

Hi, I'm Archi, the author of ArchiReviews.com. As a passionate enthusiast of BB guns, airsoft weaponry, and shooting gear, I created this website to be your ultimate resource. Whether you're new to the world of BB guns or a seasoned expert, my goal is to provide you with comprehensive reviews, product comparisons, and expert insights. I want to help you make informed choices and enhance your shooting experience. With ArchiReviews.com, you can trust that you're getting honest and trustworthy information to guide your decision-making process. Join me on this exciting journey and unlock the full potential of your shooting adventures.